Jungkee Song

Results 4 issues of Jungkee Song

We've had a couple different proposals for the model to maintain persistent ports. @mkruisselbrink's original suggestion is to introduce **stashing** ports. As [in the example](https://github.com/mkruisselbrink/navigator-connect/blob/gh-pages/docs/stashed-ports.md#sample-code): ``` js navigator.connect('https://example.com/services/push') .then(function(port) {...

It's been proposed by @jakeleichtling that it may make sense to introduce a n.c flag that allows the caller to invoke the installation of the target SW if it is...

I'd like to discuss on the Mozilla's use case https://github.com/slightlyoff/ServiceWorker/issues/678#issuecomment-92992257 from `n.c`'s perspective. I'm not insisting on making this particular use case as an `n.c`'s use case, but would like...


Question: > The key thing to note is that the https://fonts.example.com Service Worker is granted a "saving throw" for matching requests. Once https://example.com's Service Worker lets the request go to...