June Bash

Results 5 comments of June Bash

I can confirm this. Hoping for a solution! 😅

Can confirm this; I had several instances of Zazu Helper open in the Activity Monitor, each using over a gig of memory, rendering my poor little Macbook Air basically unusable,...

Also having similar (though more subtle) issues! ![screen shot 2017-11-07 at 09 44 09](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8836862/32508782-4604cffc-c3a0-11e7-9909-34ea75cd1a64.png)

In case anyone tries this in the future, it's worth mentioning that Moses seems to have switched the arguments on its `map` prototype function; the order is now `M.map(t, function(v,k))`...

@Yonaba Oh cool, glad it was documented! I didn't even think to check changelogs of the libraries I was using. Lesson learned! Thanks for chiming in. That's interesting that the...