Jonas Ulrich
Jonas Ulrich
Is this still something you're interested in @hipstersmoothie? And if you've solved this @alexkreidler , how did you do it?
Sorry, could / should have mentioned that :) We're interested in integrating with Rush!
That might help with a warning we're seeing on some instances, a lot, too: ```[SYSLOG] syslog-ng[20]: WARNING: you are using the file driver, underlying file is a FIFO, it should...
I see, that's exactly what's in the Changelog, too :)
Unfortunately have not mady any real progress on this. Doesn't work when trying to use directly with `gatsby-transformer-remark`, either. In addition to the aforementioned issue, I also found this (which...
After some more time in the VScode debugger, I've stumbled upon this (which is invoked for `gatsby-remark-shiki-twoslash`), which seems to directly contradict the current structure of the Gatsby plugin?
Works when short-circuiting that one too (manually rewriting the path just for shiki twoslash). May try my hand on a PR
I think the problem here is with Gatsby having pretty set expectations about where to find the `package.json`, so using `fs` would mean changing Gatsby, not this plugin, right? :thinking:...
Interesting, will have a look at your hack, thanks!
Hitting this, too! Any idea what's breaking this? Would've expected (maybe wrongly so?) this to work with Gatsby out-of-the-box? :thinking: