vue-cli-template-library copied to clipboard
Template for developing open-source vue.js libraries with Rollup + Jest + Babel + Storybook + TravisCI + SemanticRelease
## The devDependency [semantic-release]( was updated from `15.14.0` to `16.0.0`. This version is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept this pull request, your project will...
## Version **5.0.0** of **@semantic-release/github** was just published. Dependency @semantic-release/github Current Version 4.4.2 Type devDependency The version **5.0.0** is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept...
## The devDependency [commitizen]( was updated from `2.10.1` to `3.0.0`. This version is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept this pull request, your project will...
## The devDependency [cz-conventional-changelog]( was updated from `2.1.0` to `3.0.0`. This version is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept this pull request, your project will...
## The devDependency [husky]( was updated from `0.14.3` to `1.0.0`. This version is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept this pull request, your project will...
## Version **3.0.0** of **@semantic-release/changelog** was just published. Dependency @semantic-release/changelog Current Version 2.1.2 Type devDependency The version **3.0.0** is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept...
## Version **4.0.0** of **@semantic-release/npm** was just published. Dependency @semantic-release/npm Current Version 3.4.1 Type devDependency The version **4.0.0** is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept...
## Version **5.0.0** of **@semantic-release/git** was just published. Dependency @semantic-release/git Current Version 4.0.3 Type devDependency The version **5.0.0** is **not covered** by your **current version range**. If you donโt accept...
## There have been updates to the *commitlint* monorepo: - The `devDependency` [@commitlint/cli]( was updated from `6.2.0` to `8.1.0`. - The `devDependency` [@commitlint/config-conventional]( was updated from `6.1.3` to `8.1.0`. These...
Simple ```$ npm install -g vue-cli $ vue init julon/vue-cli-template-library my-project $ cd my-project $ npm install $ npm run build ``` Processing to ``` > [email protected] build /var/www/lib >...