vue-cli-template-library copied to clipboard
Template for developing open-source vue.js libraries with Rollup + Jest + Babel + Storybook + TravisCI + SemanticRelease
Template for developing open-source vue.js libraries
You fell in love with Vue.js and want to create your own unit-tested and documented library to share with everyone but you don't want to spend the whole time set things up? This template is for you! It will take care of managing versioning and publishing to github and npm automatically, so you just need to focus on commiting your pieces of code. Packed with best-practices stuff(linters, preprocessors..) and publishable skeleton.
Rollup + Jest + Babel + Storybook + TravisCI + SemanticRelease + ❤️
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init julon/vue-cli-template-library my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run storybook
What's included
npm run build
: Production-ready build.- Export to CommonJS, ES Modules, UMD(dev & minified)
- CSS is embedded in the JS by default
- Using Rollup to compute Vue, ES6 js files
- Pugjs and Stylus supported in vue files
npm run storybook
: The UI Development Environment- Based on webpack
- Pre-configured to work out of the box
npm run test
: eslint & Unit-test with Jest- Supports ES2015+ in test files
- Use
npm run test:watch
to start Jest in watch-mode - Use
npm run test:update
to start Jest and update component snapshot
npm run lint
- Rules based on prettier:recommended, vue:recommended
- Import errors and warning detection
- Use
npm run lint:fix
to fix eslint errors
npm run cz
: Commitizen support- Loaded with Conventional-changelog rules
- Entrypoint to semantic-release automation
- Semantic-release auto-deployment configuration
- Auto-generate changelog
- Auto-commit computed package version in git
- Auto-release in github
- Auto-publish to npm
- Enable this features by using the semantic-release-cli
Fork It And Make Your Own
You can fork this repo to create your own boilerplate, and use it with vue-cli:
vue init username/repo my-project