Julius Marminge

Results 403 comments of Julius Marminge

You need to make your own solution since nextauth doesnt work on native yet. Maybe try auth0 or something like that?

Yes it will be included once there is an official way to do it 👍

I've now merged NextAuth for Next.js. Will make it work for Expo once that's possible.

Not familiar with jest on native. Are you building the UI package or import & transpiling?

Use the snippet we have in create-t3-app for consistency. However I'm not sure if this is needed in monorepos? I think that's why it's not there but could have forgotten...

As long as my execution hours on railway doesn't run out the test to verify is that the posts are loading on the preview deployment

> Update: > > * I was able to solve the first problem by adding `@acme/auth` to the list of modules that need transpilation `withTM(["@acme/api", "@acme/auth", "@acme/db"])` > * As...

I believe it's in a working state right now. Feel free to scaffold from this branch and let me know if any issues arise. I'll go over the configuration a...

When can we expect the first canary release that uses React 18? Saw that you have `3.0.0-alpha.0` but it's still on React 17?

> having this would make our lives way easier for testing (switching between sqlite and postgres) This 👆👆👆 use sqlite in ci so much faster than waiting for a postgres...