Julio Sueiras

Results 13 issues of Julio Sueiras

## Before ![2015-07-10-124838_1366x768_scrot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3680302/8623885/11181c0a-2702-11e5-8c96-f6118e7ab882.png) ## After ![2015-07-10-125033_1366x768_scrot](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3680302/8623912/4acae464-2702-11e5-80a5-9463a8a57f0f.png) The issue is located in marked.js which it does not insert newline character and cause the entire block to be oneline, is fixable by...


Refactor the vimscript portion of the completion to allow further improvement


since terraform validate/plan does not fully reveal line number when an error occur , so I might have invest some time into extending hclfmt to allow a more friendlier errorformat

Issue: XP3 Console: PC Format extension(s): xp3 Type: archive Game Name: Fate/Stay Night series First 8 bytes of the file(s): .xp3 - 58 50 33 0d - XP3 More details:...


Add source_dirs field which would allow archiving multiple dirs at once with the following structure if `dir1` have `file1` and `dir2` have `file2` it would result in this ``` file1...


This PR introduce an additional param call `unitType`(which default to `service`) to allow adding additional systemd types like timers, paths,socket,etc

From what you state in the description that this work does not allow any commercial uses, however the license that you are using is Apache 2.0 which allow commercial use.

Add all the existing types(builders, provisioners, post-processors etc)