Results 8 comments of Julio MATARRANZ

Dear, In addition to @nico01h comments, we tried standalone Wiremock with the following parameters : * `--global-response-templating --enable-browser-proxying --trust-all-proxy-targets --verbose --record-mappings --print-all-network-traffic --async-response-enabled=true` => recoding starts directly but request bodies...


Dear @BitMaker-hub, this PR is a example to simplify the bin management. It creates/updates a versionned prerelease after every build on dev branch using "src/version.h" file. Prerelease can be modified...

Dear @BitMaker-hub, Please let me know what you think about it to eventually make some changes 😉

Dear, Have you tried to flash with "bin/bin ESP32-S3-mini-weact" ? same RGB led pin so it could be working.

> I think I need to merge the actual PRs and make a little bit clean on the project. I'm finishing an update on NerdAxe repo, when I finish it...

Dear, only the M5 StampS3 is supported yet not the Stack Core2. Platformio support your device (https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/boards/espressif32/m5stack-core2.html) but someone have to create a new env in platformio.ini and adapt Nerdminer...

@IT-Cru are you sure you gave them enough power ? Maybe your board in 1.6.3 is possibly consuming more power ? My hashrate seem to be more stable after changing...