Julia Sloan
Julia Sloan
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, we have two prescribed soil types: one for the canopy ([PrescribedSoil](https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaLand.jl/blob/eba3ba831a0d8339862600a36c118b87f6316742/src/standalone/Vegetation/soil_drivers.jl#L17-L35)) and one for soil co2 ([SoilDrivers](https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaLand.jl/blob/eba3ba831a0d8339862600a36c118b87f6316742/src/standalone/Soil/Biogeochemistry/Biogeochemistry.jl#L285-L297)). It would...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We use ClimaComms communications contexts for all of our experiments. These contexts are meant to be initialized before they're first...
## Purpose In milestone [O2.3.6](https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaLand.jl/issues/135), we have implemented implicit solvers for RichardsModel, EnergyHydrologyModel, and SoilCanopyModel. As we developed these, we identified some areas for improvement that we want to address...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** In #675, we switched canopy temperature to be stepped implicitly. There is some behavior that suggests the jacobian approximation used...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, when we update the canopy boundary fluxes, we allocate a field of tuples to store the result of `canopy_turbulent_fluxes`,...
## Purpose Remove Diagnostics module in favor of ClimaDiagnostics and ClimaAnalysis closes # will supersede https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaCoupler.jl/issues/875 and https://github.com/CliMA/ClimaCoupler.jl/issues/517 note: debug_plots.jl still using plot_helper.jl but this is the only place -...
With many artifacts being moved to ClimaArtifacts, we no longer use the second method of `artifact_data` that truncates input data based on the simulation dates. We can remove this function...
We store `t` in our `CoupledSimulation` object, but never update or use it. We should remove this field, and go through `CoupledSimulation` to find all its fields that are unused...
## Purpose We have been using a function `weighted_dss_slab!` that loops over each Field in the state FieldVector, retrieves the dss buffer from the cache, and then calls `CC.Spaces.weighted_dss!(field, buffer)`....
There are a couple of problems with how we currently initialize component models: - We initialize a land model even if it isn't used (masked out later) in the slabplanet_aqua...