Julia Silge

Results 64 issues of Julia Silge

Improve accessibility by [adding alt text](https://blog.rstudio.com/2021/04/20/knitr-fig-alt/) for figures in `/start` and `/learn`

content :book:

Closes #215 This PR (which we will _not_ merge into the main branch) contains the rest of the figure changes for printing in grayscale. I found more changes that I...

Related to #306 We talk about how to access variables with `!!!` in Ch 13 but it's quite a few chapters between that and Ch 19, so a reminder would...

post-publication :book:

In #302 we found we had to switch out the shortened URL `http://bit.ly/raw-train-data-csv` that we use in [Chapter 2](https://www.tmwr.org/tidyverse.html#examples-of-tidyverse-syntax) for the long, original URL `https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/5neh-572f/rows.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD&bom=true&format=true`. Both Max and I can...

post-publication :book:

We need to update this image to not say DISTANCE DISTANCE ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12505835/163216842-e4852c87-3f6a-4c17-b949-28e12a990bfb.png) @topepo let me know when this change is implemented in applicable.

We probably want to switch back to SVGs for the website when we can figure it out. The current situation: - The book will not build on MacOS because of...

post-publication :book:

To improve accessibility, we can add `alt` labels to the output of the `autoplot` methods. Here is a very rough idea of a possibility: ``` r library(tidymodels) #> Registered S3...


In #3 @apreshill noticed unusual behavior that I am sure is because of different package versions being installed. It might be worth adding a `DESCRIPTION` file to document package dependencies,...

I think we should make explicit in these docs that what is being returned is from plotly: https://github.com/rstudio/vetiver-python/blob/d610f259804e343b3787744731f3359ddb78111e/vetiver/monitor.py#L203 And maybe suggest that folks can operate on it?


Mainly trying to solve [this failure](https://github.com/rstudio/pins-r/actions/runs/9423148859/job/26026965501?pr=832) on #832: ``` ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ── Error ('test-board_url.R:76:3'): can download pin from board_folder version dir ── Error in `self$start()`: webfakes app subprocess...