Julia Silge

Results 64 issues of Julia Silge

In both #727 and #735 we noticed that `pin_hash` only tracks pin contents, not pin metadata. If we ever use that hash to compare, we don't pick up on changes...


Closes #737 as well as #481 I got a start on this draft while working on #749 and used the Google Drive board as the example. It's a pretty good...

Related to #692 To get pins released in an expedient manner, we are removing the section on Quarto originally written by @ijlyttle from the "Using web-based boards" vignette. We will...


We have seen users who write using the default from R, and then are frustrated when their Python colleagues can't read. We have considered changing to arrow for a long...


In rstudio/vetiver-r#264 @lschneiderbauer pointed out for their use case, they would like to remove more components. They don't need the components used for prediction/confidence intervals, and do need the model...


In ropensci/vcr#255 @sckott suggested it is good practice to regenerate all the test fixtures on occasion. We definitely have not done that, mostly because I (the maintainer) don't have access...

help wanted

Related to #290 The qualtRics package adds labels to surveys that can be used with [sjlabelled](https://strengejacke.github.io/sjlabelled/) but we don't surface this very clearly. How can we better communicate this to...

I see [in the docs](https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/reference/build_site.html#analytics) that analytics code can be added in the header `in_header` and after the body `after_body`. We are being told that the best or "right" place...


In rstudio/pins-r#695 I discovered that this one function doesn't respect the level of `googleAuthR.verbose`: ``` r withr::with_options( list(googleAuthR.verbose = 4), { googleCloudStorageR::gcs_auth("~/google-pins.json") googleCloudStorageR::gcs_get_object( object_name = "big-numbers/20221220T011808Z-b89e8/big-numbers.json", bucket = "pins-dev", saveToDisk...

I currently run CI back to "oldrel-1": https://github.com/juliasilge/tidytext/blob/87d90fc6edb4740e3706e2ec3852d7ee01d23fe3/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml#L22-L26 This means I can switch over to the native pipe at any time. Related to #242.