Julian Xhokaxhiu

Results 22 issues of Julian Xhokaxhiu

- Bring minimum version back to 3.10 - Fix minor issues when building with CMake on Windows - Fix various CMake syntax issues

Like we do on FF7, also on FF8 we need to provide a way to override textures around the game. Current overridden modules: - [ ] Battle/Magic - [ ]...

help wanted

Since VS2019 16.9 MSVC now supports natively the AddressSanitizer project made by Google ( https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer ). Add support for it on FFNx in order to catch memory issues easily. See...

help wanted

## Summary This issue is a follow up of #128 It consists of adding support for FF8 Steam Achievements. As the bare-bone structure is now existing for FF7 ( see...

help wanted

Like we did on FF7 it would be great to find a way to inject new custom models in game.

help wanted

The driver at the current status is written with a mix of C and C++ code. Ideally we need to move forward the code to be fully C++, by deprecating...

help wanted

Square-Enix did release an eStore Japanese edition of the game, although in order to inject Japanese fonts they had to customize completely the driver. It seems that the eStore release,...

help wanted

Hi, I'm trying to use Win-Sudo on Git For Windows 2.32 through Windows Terminal using the native profile created during ( and offered through ) the installer. Overall the whole...

This is a used format in games to compress data usually, it would be handy if 7-Zip could support that OOB on Windows. Thank you in advance.

help wanted
nice to have