Julian Xhokaxhiu

Results 80 comments of Julian Xhokaxhiu

Also, this is the context of how PR #2859 was born FYI: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1237070/185191848-2363ffd9-a4a5-4c07-99c6-5bbacfa0cac4.png) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d11/nf-d3d11-id3d11devicecontext-resolvesubresource#remarks

Some updates on what I've found so far: - DX12 seems to support the ResolveSubresource scenario where the source texture has the flag `D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_ALLOW_DEPTH_STENCIL` - DX11 does NOT seem to...

> I reverted #2859 [2449610](https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/commit/2449610af7c7baa065a1fce5818adb23111c2059) since it didn't fix anything, rather just showed different error. This is not actually true, the PR fixed the behavior correctly, but the fact DX11...

> Which proved to not be true, and there is difference between fix & works, vs fix & doesn't error (where we don't know if it actually works or not)....

Hi, I'm using the latest `1.11.1` version of Docker ( mainline from Arch Linux ). Is `macvlan` driver available inside Docker? Wherever I try to create a bridge network it...

I agree, this is very annoying. Could this at least be added as a "right click" popup con the call button? As the behavior exists, it's all about adding a...

I may try to do so, but I'll not be able to make one soon. Nevertheless keep this issue open as a tracker and feel free to assing it to...

Thank you for the reply :) I'll to tinker with the `dr_wav` and let you know how it goes. Meanwhile, do you have a plan on extracting the metadata out...

Allright, so I've made some progress. I am now able to get the chunk content in a buffer, but I have to do some manual parsing to extract what I...

> Yes, manual passing will be required. Reading in 4KB chunks shouldn't be necessary unless you have some unusual performance requirements. Need to be careful not to read beyond the...