Julian Pittas
Julian Pittas
``` export function getClient(configuration: DynamoDBClientConfig = {}) { const client = new DynamoDBClient(configuration); return DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client, {marshallOptions: {removeUndefinedValues: true}}); } ``` Just following the docs https://github.com/freshollie/jest-dynalite#update-your-sourcecode
I've been able to get a pretty print output by combining tail and jq using the following command. This only works when you return a json object as a response...
Has anyone been able to solve this? I'm trying to use react-native-elements with @storybook/addon-react-native-web but this package is preventing that.
Hi Serverlessray, The video contains the instructions on how to zip up the contents with a windows machine. If you're missing some of the files when comparing to the video,...
Fix for #14