Juliano Costa

Results 68 comments of Juliano Costa

This one should be good to go! 🥳

@klucsik I think we can close this one, right?

Yes, we need to update this section: https://opentelemetry.io/docs/demo/services/quote/#metrics I can take care of this

@kennykguo feel free to take it, I've actually forgot to update it. I was wrapping my head around it, as there is not much on metrics in the `quoteservice` other...

@brettmc do you think we have something to add to the Metrics section of the PHP service in the docs? Otherwise I'll just close this issue

@JoKacar would you be able to sign the CLA?

#1433 adds OTLP Logs to Shipping Service (Rust)

Hello @Kimbohlovette, according to the OTel Go repo, the logs are still in development: https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go?tab=readme-ov-file#project-status I wouldn't implement anything yet

Thanks for the update @pellared! @Kimbohlovette wanna take it?

> You mention iframe. So you are thinking it'd be one of those chats that can popup in the corner of a webpage? yep