Julian Klumpers

Results 11 comments of Julian Klumpers

We also encounter this problem. Our use case is that we have a monorepo with 5 micro-frontends (vite apps). We want to have 1 base vite config file and extend...

@airtonix does that not need to setup babel and stuff to compile everything? The whole reason we use Vite is for the dx and no need to setup a lot...

I would really like to see the android version aswell. good work on the ios !

hi @veb Thank you for linking this basic library for Android. there is a bit of lack on documentation on how to use this in React Native. I figured out...

Don't know if it helps, but I had some issues with caching with `react-query` in the past. Try these settings while setting up your `queryClient` ```js queries: { refetchOnWindowFocus: false,...

How do you measure the amount of subscriptions on a document? Maybe we could do something with a hash of the query key and see if there is already an...

I'm also encountering this issue. ```ts this.userRepository.createQueryBuilder('u') .leftJoinAndSelect('u.enterprises', 'enterprises') .where( new Brackets((qb) => Object.entries(query).map(([key, val]) => qb.orWhere(`u.externalUser ->>'${key}' ILIKE :val`, { val: `%${val}%` }), ), ), ) .getMany(); ``` My...

For me it only happened when using the queryBuilder. I had to use the `paginationType` `TAKE_AND_SKIP` and use the `getCount()` method from `queryBuildder`. You can use this patch which solved...