Julian Garnier

Results 47 comments of Julian Garnier

[v3.3.0](https://github.com/juliangarnier/anime/tree/v3.3.0) is going to be the next major release. It's a particularly tricky one because the code base has changed a lot, and I'm adding tests to make sure it...

Actually, I going to pin this issue and keep it open to give some information about the repo's future, and let people interested in the subject ask questions.

> When is your expected release time for 3.3.0? (Not too accurate, just as raw assumption like end 2021 or Q2 2022 or so...) I was hoping for end of...

I'm hopping to finally have some time to release the new version in July

Should be fixed in v3.0.1 !

It might be possible to simply check if a DOM-specific object or method is defined before using it. I'll keep this open and will see if it's possible to implement...

Hard to give you a more precise answer but here is how update functions should works in a timeline: Update function defined in `anime.timeline({ update: () => {} });` will...

Please provide some code.

@pakx @wintercounter See anime.remove(el) https://github.com/juliangarnier/anime/#animeremovetarget

I don't think it's a problem. Have you noticed performance issues using .pause()?