Julian Fong
Julian Fong
hey Franz, I would like to try refactoring _proximity_forest If we are passing a parallel backend function for proximity forest, is the correct intuition that `fun=self._distance_to_exemplars_inst`, `iter = X.shape[0]`, and...
is ```classification.tests.test_all_classifiers.py``` the right script to ensure the classifier with refactored code works correctly? and if so, is every method beginning with `test_` expected to work on the class/estimator instance?
Did anyone get a chance to load the autoformer model inside the huggingface model repository? I was getting a config error when I attempted to do so.
I am not too familiar with polars/parallel and distributed functionality yet but would like the opportunity to learn and contribute to adding polars support
through a quick investigation, it seems like `multiprocessing` does not like nested functions, as discussed in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72766345/attributeerror-cant-pickle-local-object-in-multiprocessing since the `distance` function is nested inside the `distance_predefined_params` function, pickles cannot serialize...
> > since the `distance function` is nested inside the `distance_predefined_params` function, pickles cannot serialize it > > I see. There are two ways that I can see: > >...
One more question about n_jobs. If i set n_jobs = "deprecated" inside the constructor, the check_estimator throws a `ValueError('`n_jobs` must be None or an integer, but found: deprecated')` . any...
Hi @fkiraly, how would I go about fixing the dask module not found error in the checks?
how long on average should check_estimator last for an estimator? (i just realized that there was probably something wrong when check_estimator was running for 5+ hours while i was doing...
@fkiraly Hey Franz, is there a way for me to test if my implementation for the parallelization functions are working as intended? I'm wondering if my implementation of the parallelization...