Kuan Jui-yang
Kuan Jui-yang
Ran into the same trouble.
Not today 😂
> Is this wxbot based on itchat? No, it's based on wechaty https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot/blob/be30e7ca297e6be8b25b19b0d1cf1e1ec2407967/src/index.ts
> 我是docker部署的,找不到上面的两个路径,求助大家 > > / # ls app bin dev etc home lib media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var Docker用户可这样试一下: 1. 进入容器内: `docker exec...
The best way is to set up proxy in the Zed settings (like vscode), which may need to expect future features. But there is a way to solve it. My...
When u new a ChatGPTAPI, don't write it in a function. don't do this: ``` js import ... from ... function click() { const api = new ChatGPTAPI({...}); const res...