Jukka Hietanen
Jukka Hietanen
Very nice and useful! 👍
@sulewicz @petr-pokorny-1 @roblabs Could the metal annotation performance issue be the same as #46? The fix for it has been merged to master but not to metal branch as there...
Ok, thanks a lot @sulewicz!
Ok, good progress @sulewicz and I'm not sure if this is even a blocker for Metal release as the [MGLSymbolStyleLayer and MGLShapeSource](https://docs.maptiler.com/maplibre-gl-native-ios/Classes-MGLSymbolStyleLayer/) should work better for most use cases and...
Hi @petr-pokorny-1 @degtiarev, Yes it seems that relevant parts of https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native-ios/pull/411/files can be applied and in my tests seems to fix the performance issue with annotations. Created PR https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-native/pull/60
Hi @roman-mykitchak, yes the [cherry pick PR](https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-native/pull/60) was merged to master, have you tried the performance with the latest version? However the PR seems to cause some assertion failure in...
Hi @ferologics, unfortunately it has not yet been released (the last iOS release was done before the #60 merge). There's this one [assertion check fail](https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-native/pull/60#issuecomment-824129436) that needs to be checked...