Juha Kivekäs

Results 9 comments of Juha Kivekäs

We're continuing this work on a new branch of develop in another [repository](https://github.com/praetoria/mittn) and breaking backwards-compatibility even more. We're starting with the httpfuzzer, and the new interface is going to...

Are you getting any output at all, for example an error or exception? Does the program exit successfully or does it hang? What’s your Python version? I haven’t tested with...

I set up a virtual machine and tested this in Windows 10 with python 3.7 and everything seems to work fine. Did you install multidiff by running `python setup.py install`?...

The limit is constrained by the available ram on your computer so I’m not sure but I’d say it’s in the tens or hundreds of megabytes. The whole file will...

Yes, that's due to the python difflib needing to always diff the whole sequence. The [difflib documentation](https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/difflib.html#difflib.SequenceMatcher) says: >Timing: The basic Ratcliff-Obershelp algorithm is cubic time in the worst case...

Great, if you want me to merge those changes, then just make a pull request but add a flag to the commandline for the feature. I think the hang issue...

Thanks for good input :) I assume this relates to the hexdump view? Quite a lot of people have a strong inclination to use multiples of eight in hexdump widths,...

@Utkarsh1308 I appreciate your efforts 👍

Thanks for the pull request but there might be a little misunderstanding in what feature was requested. The idea is that we want to either use all the screen area...