
Results 8 issues of judober

I encountered a problem when applying cleanfigure to a logarithmic plot. Some of the data was negative and therefore not plotted (with a warning). But applying cleanfigure resulted in an...


I tried calculating a matrix exponential but ```julia julia> exp([1 2; 3 4]) 2×2 Matrix{Float64}: 51.969 74.7366 112.105 164.074 julia> exp(Double64.([1 2; 3 4])) ERROR: MethodError: no method matching svdvals!(::Matrix{Complex{Double64}})...

I was wondering if the option exists to include only the custom preamble and not the predefined. I would like to include my own options and not the predefined.

Is there a reason that `\mF` is not an abbreviation for `\milli\farad`? Thanks for this nice package!


The code (fairly reduced) ```[julia] using Pkg Pkg.activate(".") using LinearAlgebra using FFTW function fun1() cache = FFT_Cache(830) # simplified for no in 1:13267 # @show no execude_fft(cache) # do stuff...

I use HybridArrays as a replacement for a Vector of SMatrices. Now I found the need to `resize!` the Vector. This works for Vector of SMatrices but not a HybridArray:...

First of all, thank you for this great package! When looking through the documentation of the `ITP`-Method (and the code), I noticed that the default values of the parameters are...


Hello, I want to search in some text for a keyword and extract the Text beginning with the keyword to the end. I have the following simplified example: ```[julia] (path,...