Jason Judge

Results 173 comments of Jason Judge

> "You do not have permission to access this resource." > "On, so there IS a resource there. Thanks. 😈"

Try this: ``` array_keys($your_model->getRoles()) ``` This works for me in the `User` model: ``` php public function getRoleIdsAttribute($value) { // getRoles() will return [role_id => role_slug, ...] return array_keys($this->getRoles()); }...

The workaround to map the clashing method to a new method should at least be mentioned in the documentation IMO.

(I posted this on the wrong issue, now moved here) The solution I have found, using the Xero provider, is to create my own Guzzle instance outside the provider. So...

This comment moved to issue #698

Thanks - I'll see what I can dig out of my toolbox and have a play with it over the next few weeks.

Working on a class to hold an OSGB location, with conversions in and out in any of a number of different coordinates (e.g. location SE0123034300 == SE 01230 34300 ==...

I've not got anything to push to this repo yet, but am putting the OSGB handling together here: https://github.com/academe/osgb-tools Once I have tests etc. and am happy it copes with...

Okay, I'm thinking about how integration will work. I have a "Square" class that models an OSGB square, from 500km down to 1m. It allows various OSGB references to be...

I'm using option 1 for now, just while I experiment. We can review that later. Quick question: I'm sure I saw a way to convert between ellipsoids in the League...