Ok, I have found the bug and it can be reproduced in a test world using the same versions as I have stated above. **To Reproduce** Place an export bus...
Im exporting them into a input bus from GregTech CE
hmmm. I have testing it with and without a fuzzy card and nothing seems to be voiding?
I just just re-created it in my test world and it only happens with the fuzzy card. Its a bit weird why I couldn't re-create this in a brand new...
through all my testing this issue only happened to me when exporting all gregtech:meta_item_1 items into an ore dictionary filter that only allows items with the tag ingotHot. it basically...
hmm when I tested it without acceleration cards it would only void 1 item then it would stop but with 3 acceleration cards it kept voiding items when they entered...
ok it doesn't happen with GTCEU items because all the hot ingots are gregtech:meta_ingot_hot. Just testing with GTCE.
it voids any item with the item id gregtech:meta_item_1.
ok that bug is even more strange because the ae2 system doesn't even complete the craft, it goes straight into the lv input bus and disappears.
ok this bug voids GTCEU items, the container doesn't matter. I just tested it with a minecraft chest and the item still voids...