Duy Do

Results 14 issues of Duy Do

I need the failed items for error handling purposes. There seems to be no way to get these items at the moment. https://docs.rs/rusoto_dynamodb/0.47.0/rusoto_dynamodb/struct.Update.html#structfield.return_values_on_condition_check_failure

Default precision of InfluxDB is **nanosecond** ([ref](https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.7/troubleshooting/frequently-asked-questions/#does-the-precision-of-the-timestamp-matter)). Default precision of this crate is **second** ([ref](https://github.com/driftluo/InfluxDBClient-rs/blob/master/src/client.rs#L124)).

Add `last_successful_statement: Option` to `Metrics`. Use case: can be used as a heuristic for connection health check. For example, don't do health check if last_successful_statement is less than 5 secs....


``` let array = ["hello"]; array.index_of("hello"); ``` ``` EXCEPTION: Function not found: hello (&str | ImmutableString | String, i64) in call to function 'index_of' (line 2, position 7) ```


# Bug report - [x] I confirm this is a bug with Supabase, not with my own application. - [x] I confirm I have searched the [Docs](https://docs.supabase.com), GitHub [Discussions](https://github.com/supabase/supabase/discussions), and...


Examples seem to be lacked of comments. PS: I would like to contribute to this crate. Do you accept contributors?

I tried to run the test and it has been stuck at this line for 3 days https://github.com/succinctlabs/sp1/blob/08a62812eb9e015fb5cf1396a07f164a358010f3/recursion/program/src/reduce.rs#L277 Is this expected?

``` rust extern crate piston_window; use piston_window::*; fn run() { let mut window: PistonWindow = WindowSettings::new("Hello Piston!", [640, 480]) .exit_on_esc(true).build().unwrap(); while let Some(e) = window.next() { window.draw_2d(&e, |c, g| {...

I'm using Fedora 25 with Gnome on Wayland backend. `piston_window 0.66` doesn't produce any visible window (it doesn't crash). Here what I run: ``` rust extern crate piston_window; use piston_window::*;...