Justin Bishop
Justin Bishop
based on my understanding from articles like https://medium.com/@jbbpatel94/difference-between-offsetheight-clientheight-and-scrollheight-cfea5c196937 this makes sense that it should be scrollHeight..
I also noticed adding `options[:captureBeyondViewport] = true` was necessary to always get the full screenshot. gotten from https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Page/#method-captureScreenshot
actually it appears fzf tab completion only works with bash?
smalldemocracy.com :)
I wish I could volunteer to be a Core contributor but I don't think I know CSS well enough to live up to Pico's standards.
+1 this is the one feature I was looking for and couldn't find in Pico.
found my answer: ``` # @type module: DateTime.class ```
actually then all type checking stops. hmm.
thanks @soutaro for looking into this! I've attached the 3 files to show a simple example of my problem. [PrependExample.zip](https://github.com/soutaro/steep/files/6145904/PrependExample.zip)
actually your interface hint worked for me. :) I don't fully understand why tho, and wish I did :) why does having the module adhere to the interface allow super()...