Results 24 issues of jub0bs > This is used to ensure to prevent a partial response [...] Either "to ensure" or "to prevent" should be dropped. > unprivilaged API should be > unprivileged API

Because `MaxAge.Seconds` has type `uint64`, its value cannot be negative.

The section entitled _Same Site Cookies_ (p.130) conflates the concepts of _origin_ and _site_: > The browser will only send _SameSite_ cookies in the scope of a given origin A...

I'm trying to navigate down a JavaScript-heavy page. Is there any way to focus on a given page element (e.g. to force an infinite scroll to kick in)?

I've just published a [blog post]( about a technique that allows an active network attacker to observe, from an insecure Web origin, the presence or absence of some Secure cookie...

While completing the test suite of [my CORS middleware library](, I ran into an interesting case. The [section entitled _CORS protocol and HTTP caches_]( says the following: > [...] if...

topic: cors

## TL;DR [Section 3.2.3]( contains the following passage: > A successful HTTP response, i.e., one where the server developer intends to share it, to a CORS request can use any...

topic: cors

### Issue Description Echo's CORS middleware misclassifies all `OPTIONS` requests as preflight requests, thereby unduly preventing requests from hitting user-registered `OPTIONS` endpoints. I've previously discussed the general problem on [my...


## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable) - [ ] Refactor - [x] Feature - [ ] Bug Fix - [ ] Optimization - [ ] Documentation...
