Juarez Barbosa Junior
Juarez Barbosa Junior
@Kuassim @gvenzl can you review again and approve? Thanks in advance!
@Kuassim can you please approve this one as well? Thanks!
@Kuassim @jeandelavarene adjustments executed - indentation fixed. Please review and approve. Thanks.
@jeandelavarene @Kuassim 2 spaces indentation + closing of JDBC resources implemented. Please check commit cd87db79469f699b28dabc7e7f9ea23979ec0b70 and approve. Thanks!
@Kuassim can you please approve? Thanks in advance!
@Kuassim @jeandelavarene the adjustments were performed as requested - fix indentation + close JDBC resources. Please review, thanks.
@Kuassim @jeandelavarene please review. Thanks!
@jeandelavarene @Kuassim 2 spaces indentation + closing of JDBC resources double-checked. Please check commit d33cd944112ca78aa1765bb5250022795ee6e292 and approve. Thanks!
@jeandelavarene @Kuassim adjusted the 2 spaces indentation for POM on this one as well. Please check and approve. Thanks!
@Kuassim @jeandelavarene removed the duplicated dir 23c-jdbc-bool-plsql. Please review, thanks.