Juarez Franco
Juarez Franco
Hi everyone, I had a lot of trouble getting multiple JWT strategies working that mixed sockets and REST. The custom service by @DaddyWarbucks helped a lot to understand the main...
It's still happening in release mod. - version: 2.0.0-dev1 - iPhone 14. ```dart final sensor = Sensor.position(SensorPosition.back); return CameraAwesomeBuilder.custom( sensorConfig: SensorConfig.single( sensor: sensor, flashMode: cameraawesome.FlashMode.none, aspectRatio: CameraAspectRatios.ratio_4_3, zoom: 0.0, ),...
It's work, thanks
My solution for postgres, access the url adminer and change parameters created, change url to `http://example.com/adminer?pgsql=`
in my projects I switched from deltaaskii/lara-pdf-merger to daltcore/lara-pdf-merger