Juan Rodriguez Hortala
Juan Rodriguez Hortala
`safeWordLength` can now only be compute for the subset of formulas corresponding to the old formulas. For example we can have a formula that uses a Now that builds an...
See https://twitter.com/etorreborre/status/730434823752450048?s=03
That capture and enforce the following properties - Generators generate the minimal words that exercise the corresponding formula, for a precise formulation of mininality TBD - Applying Gen.resize on a...
This would improve performance and code safety as it enforces static checking of what it is exactly serialized See https://github.com/heathermiller/spores and start with https://github.com/juanrh/sscheck/blob/master/src/main/scala/es/ucm/fdi/sscheck/prop/tl/DStreamTLProperty.scala that is the most critical code....
Ideally we should support several versions, like spark-testing-base
Currently we use `org.scalacheck.Prop.Undecided` for the value ? of the logic. Specs2 interprets that as a failing test, and you cannot use `org.specs2.matcher.ResultMatchers` to mark a property as expecting undecided...
We have a foreachRDD that checks the actions for each parallel test case. Instead of a for we could use a map to Future to execute the assertions in parallel...
Currently only functional expectations work as expected, see https://etorreborre.github.io/specs2/guide/SPECS2-3.6.2/org.specs2.guide.Structure.html#unit-specification Anyway functional expectations are recommended in ScalaCheck, while -thrown expectations are discouraged https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/scalacheck/Ped7joQLhnY