Juan Gallostra Acín
Juan Gallostra Acín
@LML-566 the easiest option to include color in the models would be to make use of the property `usemtl` that is available when defining a model in `OBJ` format. This...
I would also like to see this modification included in the library! 💪
@Pascal66 mmm I'll have to dig a bit to see what's going on. Could you please list the hardware you are using?
@pmgou yep, this is a known issue. Currently there is no tracking being applied, the reference surface is detected each frame without taking into account information from the previous frame....
@WiiliamC changing the camera parameters might help. However, I would expect it to work with the default parameters included in the code. I suggest to check each step of the...
@YuHsin1998 these are the options that come to my mind in order to project models on the floor (there might be other options I haven't considered): 1. Use an image...