JC Olivares

Results 23 comments of JC Olivares

Working on this. The default scale should still be on the left. Then, we can assign specific series to the scale on the right.

This is already done. I [just added](https://github.com/juancri/covid19-animation-generator/commit/eb14560fc9deb9706bfc1cdce11bb508d11daf7e) warnings when these scale types are used. They will be incompatible with the two vertical scales mode: - linear-avg7 - linear-avg7-change - linear-avg7-change-center

Fuente no actualizada desde noviembre. Marcando como detenido.

The repository has not been updated. We need to find another source. Probably, from the minciencia.

branch: feature-hightlight

This doesn't need to be done to all frames. We could generate a specific image as the cover that Instagram uses. Only this cover would include the name.

The current version is already generating a cover. We're not including the title right now (drawing as a transparent element).

This will be replaced with external animations

Preview pushed to the credits branch. We need to make sure information is highlighted.