Juan Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez
Same issue here, it's showing disk root. I have to edit the sublime-project file. I think that should be default the root to be the current root folder opened in...
ps: My VS Code settings folding strategy is set to "indentation". But switching it to "auto" doesn't solve the problem.
> We have [special treatment](https://github.com/sveltejs/language-tools/blob/20ade7cf5cdabc4c1fa05dcd158481db5012583a/packages/svelte-vscode/language-configuration.json#L30) with the script and style tag so that it can be folded without indentation. I don't know if it's possible to show the end tag....
I'm currently studying guitar by video in IINA. I also felt the desire for this feature. I would just add that I'd like also to be able to bookmark "AB"...
Yeah, awesome work, but the scrolling is not very user friendly at the iPad...
Ps: After consideration I finally got it: the developer probably generated the VTL code using the AWS console and copy/pasted to the template. So it wasn't a choice of syntax,...