Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia
Eliminating the resistor had no effect. I've ordered some capacitors to see if that might solve the issue.
I had previously tried bypassing all the resistors with no luck. I'm pretty sure the that FTDI message is related to me hitting ctrl-C for quitting the command. This may...
100 didn't give any change, but when I pushed it down to 10, `identify` gave a new message in the console output. (`chipver` continues to succeed at this lower speed)...
I've been using a salvaged LF33 to take 5V/1A to 3.3v. It seems to power the HC-05 well enough for normal bluetooth serial operation, but perhaps programming draws more current...
Eureka! Believe it or not, it was my FTDI module that was causing the problem. My new (probably counterfeit) FT232RL breakout arrived today, and once I substituted it into my...
Looks like Revision B [0822-B]
@mkeyno I didn't pursue the lpt port once I found the replacement FT232 solved my issue.