> I'd be happy to get the [review process](https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/3875962884/How+to+submit+an+open+source+contribution+for+Product+Review) started with the Core Product Group. The first step is to share the proposal on the Core Product Slack Channel (I...
the edunext / unidigital team has made a proposal and PR to add visibility into the list of students that are in a blocked state, so that instructors can be...
the edunext / unidigital team has buildind this capability and PR to add visibility into the list of students that are in a blocked state, so that instructors can be...
The edunext / Unidigital team is currently working on an implementation of this feature. Our initial approach is to allow a learner to reset their submission when the following conditions...
Quick update: The edunext / Unidigital team is going to be working in this proposal over the next couple of weeks. Our initial approach would be to explore the feasibility...
the edunext / unidigital team has buildind this capability and PR to add visibility into the list of student submissions. starting from the open responses tab in the instructor dashboard...
A quick update on this issue from the work being done by the edunext / unidigital team. In order to increase the value of this contribution in the long run,...