Juanan Pereira
Juanan Pereira
Reading the home page of the project: ``` Samples. There are a couple of samples available, showing possible scenarios to use TestMyBot. For all samples, you these commands to run...
I have created this new issue to discuss this comment (I'd like to take a stab at it): > I am working on the packaging bits of the maintenance release...
Trying to solve this problem (https://github.com/kordamp/bootstrapfx/issues/14#issuecomment-1399315047) I resorted to plan B: extract the `bootstrapfx.css` from BootstrapFX's JAR file, copy it in the resources/ folder and use it. This plan B...
Hi, @simonjwright, First of all, thank you for distributing the GCC binary tools for macOS and for documenting everything on your blog. I'd like to continue [this thread](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76730720/gdb-on-macos-ventura-fails-with-python-library-not-loaded/76741414?noredirect=1#comment135542019_76741414) here. Using...
I think that this reference to package.json should be clarified https://github.com/gvwilson/sdxjs/blame/main/en/src/systems-programming/index.md#L76 (as far as I can tell, this is the first reference to that file, isn't it?)
Hi, Thanks for sharing your work. I'm trying to run the application starting it from the Launcher class. But everytime that I try I get this exception ``` > Task...
# Pull Request Checklist - [x] **Target branch:** Please verify that the pull request targets the `dev` branch. - [x] **Description:** Provide a concise description of the changes made in...