Juan Guerschman
Juan Guerschman
something from here ? https://leafletjs.com/plugins.html#measurement like this one: https://github.com/ppete2/Leaflet.PolylineMeasure !!! big win win for Terria!!! 👍👍👍
isn't the cloud info included in ga_ls_wo_3? In that case, read also ga_ls_wo_3 and use those masks?
thanks @rowanwins
in addition to my previous post. I'm running a test and it looks like the issue I reported applies only to LS7 and LS8 and from 2013 to current (i.e....
Thanks Josh, I didn't know about all these documentation and tools. Juan
Josh, your example retrieves data ok. However, when I try to retrieve the same info using the API command Line Tools (which I found very useful) I don't get anything...
by the way, none of the command line API tools gets anything after 2014...
last comment: I tried to replicate what you suggested and couldn't get a proper answer either (for data in 2015). Example: ``` from datetime import date from datacube.api.model import DatasetType,...
I actually tried loading a newer module yesterday, but I get the following error message: ``` [jpg599@raijin2 ~]$ module use /projects/u46/opt/modules/modulefiles [jpg599@raijin2 ~]$ module load agdc-api/0.1.0-b20160111 utility.c(2165):ERROR:50: Cannot open file...
Thanks Josh, I was actually referring to `retrieve_aoi_time_series.py` (my mistake)