thats weird... maybe you can come into the discord and share some images/videos so i can better see what is going on?
SteamVR sometimes assumes the first moving tracked object to be a controller. So, if you press 6. Start, which spawns trackers, before putting on your headset and using the actual...
Hello, You can reset all the parameters by deleting the "params.yml" file inside /bin folder. Hope that fixes the issue :)
OBS built in virtual camera doesnt work with att for some reason, you need the virtualcam plugin: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-virtualcam.949/ Its weird that it would crash though. Try Camera API of 0...
As long as the trackers are sturdy and do not change shape when you wear them, you should be able to calibrate them without wearing them without any issues.
For some reason, the camera is rendered behind the square on the floor, even if it is in front of it. In most cases, this is the issue with the...
Hello! Sorry for the confusion, the setup guide may be a bit outdated by now, but I am working on a better one! Most of the updates were shared through...
Is the image mirrored? That could cause the problem. Can you unmirror the kinect in its software?
This is usualy due to motion blur that occurs when the cameras exposure setting is set too high. To fix it, you want to set its exposure manualy. You want...
In the current version, the most common issue for this is that the camera is, initialy, in the center of the playspace, in the ground. Due to how steamvr renders...