Jonathon Turel
Jonathon Turel
> should be marked as "required_one_of(job_tempalte, feature)" and I think also "mutually_exclusive(job_template, feature)" > Correct, the API will error if both are specified and one of them should be included...
[test katello]
@m-bucher now that #7418 is merged I'm prepared to test this in earnest once rebased. Looking forward to getting this merged in.
@m-bucher could you also provide steps on how to test this end-to-end ?
@m-bucher I started a thread on our forum to talk about the schema.rb and postgres function interaction:
[test katello]
One test failure seems relevant ``` test_verify_ueber_cert_no_change – Katello::CertsTest ```
Haven't tested yet but the test failure definitely seems related
> Additonally, katello-host-tools need to be pushed to pip. What are your thoughts @jturel That seems like more work. Why do we need to do that?
> We don't _require_ it, but it makes things easier ;) As we fetch gems from rubygems, we fetch python stuff from pypi. Do we have a "foreman" org over...