Jeremy Tuloup

Results 1046 comments of Jeremy Tuloup

Hi, Coming here from the issue on JupyterLab: Although it's not decided if or when the managing of source extensions will be dropped, installing prebuilt extensions is still a...

@mwouts I think so. There is a quick screencast of what it would look like in Notebook v7 in this comment: @fcollonval also mentioned updating Jupytext to default to...

@mwouts since Notebook v7 is now the [continuation of RetroLab](, the following two dependencies should be enough: ``` jupyterlab>=4.0.0a20 notebook>=7.0.0a1 ``` Development of RetroLab is now happening in the Jupyter...

FYI a new pre-release of Notebook v7 is out: Which includes the factory improvement relevant to Jupytext:

Yes moving the repo around went quite well and was probably the simplest approach:

> If that makes it easier to maintain, and/or easier for others to contribute Right I think it can make it easier for other folks to help make releases if...

Nice thanks @krassowski for opening that issue. Usually the tricky part is to know how to bump the version, especially when there are multiple packages depending (that might depend on...

@tacaswell it should be possible to pass multiple `&code=` params, each corresponding to one line.

Normally it can be encoded and contain new lines. For example with the demo site:,%202%20*%20np.pi,%20200)%0Ay%20=%20np.sin(x)%0Afig,%20ax%20=%20plt.subplots()%0Aax.plot(x,%20y) ![image](

Yes it would be interesting to double check installing `pyshp` from another server. The content type seems to be differing: ```bash $ curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed,...