Jacek Tomaszewski

Results 32 issues of Jacek Tomaszewski

Do you have any idea if it's possible to parse the whole feed, not just the first 10 posts? @bobby-brennan maybe you know? I was looking for some `

Let's say I have 2 nodes, `node_id: "1"` and `node_id: "2"` running on the same redis server. Currently, the "Failed", "Enqueued", "Scheduled" jobs properly list all jobs in the cluster...

Current version of this plugin doesn't support absolute paths in `extend` and `include`. See https://github.com/brunch/jade-brunch/pull/11 for more details. Could we see it soon in here? =)


Currently all our admin app browser tabs are named in the same way; and the names in the browser history aren't really helpful neither: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1862580/107463208-b9788980-6bb1-11eb-9e1b-d09e0ca540c6.png) Maybe we could add some...


Our use case: Let's say we have `0.25 USD` amount, from which we are calculating fee `2%` . That would equal to `0.25 * 0.02 = 0.0005 USD` which is...

### Bug Right now, when we use `DayPickerSingleDateController with `orientation: 'verticalScrollable'`, when i.e. your start date is 15 Feb 2019 and have `numberOfMonths: 3`, it will correctly show additional months...

Currently the component scrolls to the current tab with an animation, whenever: - layout dimensions change / are calculated - current route change - routes change Which is good, but...

## Expected Behavior As with many other CLI tools, I'd expect that: - if I define my personal access token in `~/.contentfulrc.json` - and if I define my project space...

Probably because of this line https://github.com/lexmag/statix/blob/546339602cbd77be51088069773e3ae61c6178d2/lib/statix/packet.ex#L39 . For example, if I push a histogram with `tags: ["errors:error1,error2"]` , in Datadog it'll have two tags: `errors:error1` and `error2` . Any way...

We just started using apollo-link-rest for our app where we have multiple APIs with multiple endpoints with multiple queries and mutations. Problem is, the APIs we fetch aren't of a...
