
Results 21 issues of jtlap

It seems that transform_to cannot take a constant input range, a non constant one and transform the second in place using the first. Tell me if I am wrong. I...


store_op is not really used in map_convert in the unit test map.cpp if I replace struct store_op by: struct store_op { auto operator()(auto x, eve::as) const { std::cout


Anew a problem of scikits.odes install Wheels cannot be built. Am I missing something ? I have scipy and numpy I succeeded installing sundials 5.1.0 as asked I have C,...

**Describe the bug** transform_to seems not able to handle predicates as eve::is_ltz ``` #include #include #include #include #include int main() { std::array v = {2.5,-3.0, 6.8,-10.628}; std::array , 4> w;...


using boost 1.72 in special functions part of boost math in file cos_pi.hpp lines 36 and 37: 36 if(iconvert(rem, pol) & 1) 37 invert = !invert; on the call cos_pi(...

replace if_else(cond,pipo(x),x) by pipo[cond](x) when possible to allow use of masked intrinsics

modf is linked to frac and trunc, but can be a little optimized as computing both. So adding the same decorators.