Jonas Thuresson
Jonas Thuresson
I'll give this issue a try!
> hey @jthure, how is it going? I was hit by a massive workload at work, so I haven't had much time to spare, but I've looked into it and...
Sorry about my radio silence. Got occupied by other stuff and didn't get chance to finish it. I'll un-assign myself for now and get back to it when get a...
> Hey, thanks for your PR! > > To be honest I'm a bit hesitant with introducing an additional state (here, the boolean `isOpen`) to the codebase. > > I...
@mrousavy I think you fixed this issue in another PR right? I'll close this one
I created a PR for this, appreciate any support in reviewing/testing that you can give #1583
> Hi @lubien , is this ticket still open? Are you working on this @aulisius ? Otherwise, I could give it a try
> @jthure You can go ahead :) I don't think I'll have the time to take it anytime soon. Cool. So I'll get to work on it @lubien