James Hegedus

Results 74 issues of James Hegedus

# Summary Now we are using [release-please](https://github.com/google-github-actions/release-please-action) & GitHub Releases to manage our changelog generation and release pipeline we're no longer using release candidates (as they were originally intended) with...


Provide asdf plugin authors with the ability to utilise the asdf banned commands list in their CI: https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf/blob/master/test/banned_commands.bats

### Describe the problem `asdf latest firebase 10` returns the result of `asdf latest firebase` as the query string of `10` is ignored. ### Describe the proposed solution Use the...


* add multiple pages for testing Next.js routing * update deploy and dev scripts * add placeholder.html in ./public so deploying to hosting works - required * add hosting redirect...