@vijayaram-b - Unfortunately, Windows containers do not support setting environment variables in a container at machine scope. The environment variables will only be applied to the processes started by the...
Not really. On Windows, there is no shared Environment namespace across Containers like there is for Networking. What this means is that in order for ECS/Fargate to do this the...
@vijayaram-b - That is not what I said. Windows containers support machine level environment variables via exactly one mechanism, which is the Windows registry set statically via the build process....
@pkrbj - Thank you for the additional information. Would you mind sharing the size of your overall image including Windows Base Layers it is build from? This is on our...
Yea unfortunately that image is right on the storage boundary. When you consider the compressed layer tar files, and then the uncompressed layers that are unpacked on disk you end...
@croddin - To my knowledge the only text on that is here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/bestpracticesguide/pull-behavior.html#fargate-windows-behavior. But it basically says this: We cache the latest servercore:ltsc2019 for each months AMI released every Patch...
@dcantah - Have you seen any issues like this in testing?
@olljanat - @dcantah / @helsaawy are those people :)
LOL. I completely missed your response Danny. I'm not great at reading...
Ref: (https://github.com/containerd/containerd/pull/6479)