Jacob Bandes-Storch
Jacob Bandes-Storch
[`git-replace`](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-replace.html) works by creating a ref in `refs/replace/[sha]` that points to a "replacement" object. It would be great if libgit2 honored such replacements. https://github.com/git/git/search?q=lookup_replace_object
The following definition crashes the graphviz generator: ```yaml meta: id: asdf file-extension: asdf seq: - id: x size: sizeof types: xx: seq: - id: a type: u1 ``` I believe...
When I make an API call to `https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY` ***right now*** (Thu, 01 Oct 2020 01:30:49 GMT) I get a 404: ```json { "code": 404, "msg": "No data available for date:...
This package's readme doesn't mention `@fluentui/react`, and `@fluentui/react`'s [wiki page about icons](https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui/wiki/Using-icons) doesn't mention this package. What is the recommended way to combine these libraries? Is there a version of...
Another change that I keep in a [hdoc patch](https://github.com/foxglove/mcap/blob/a85bd00295255b134f3083efbc5d2274294a83df/cpp/hdoc.patch) is to remove this large "hdoc" link from the sidebar: I'm not against having a link back to hdoc.io to make...
Feature request: I would like to be able to exclude certain symbols, or symbols under certain namespaces, from the documentation and search index. This is one of the only remaining...
## Current behavior Type-only imports ([`import type X`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-3-8.html#type-only-imports-and-export), or `import X` where X is only used as a type) result in incorrect `webpack --watch` behavior. When files residing in workspace...
It would be nice for the format gallery to display an actual link to original documentation when a format contains `doc-ref`. For example, http://formats.kaitai.io/gltf_binary/ should contain a link to https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/2354846/specification/2.0#binary-gltf-layout...
**Description** - Version: latest web - OS: Chrome / macos - Data source (e.g. bag file, mcap file, rosbridge, ROS 1/2 native): https://librealsense.intel.com/rs-tests/TestData/stairs.bag **Steps To Reproduce** - Load this data...
Steps to reproduce: - Load a data source. - Add a grid. - Reload the app and do not load a data source.