
Results 47 comments of jt274

@ilugobayo I think offline is the way to go. I've attempted to switch to offline and have new issues. :) During auth, a session named `offline_store-name.myshopify.com` is created. It is...

@ilugobayo Frankly, I'm not even sure what the `ACTIVE_SHOPIFY_SHOPS` is even supposed to be or do. Is it supposed to be a list of every single shop on all accounts...

I am getting similar errors (not using ngrok, but live online app). Nearly every time I reload the app it goes through Oauth, and sometimes I get this error: `Cannot...

For both offline and online tokens, you can see here https://github.com/Shopify/koa-shopify-auth/issues/64#issuecomment-799409035 I am experiencing some issues properly loading the online token after auth though, but it has generated both tokens...

I am also experiencing this on iOS 17. `Camera` and `Microphone` permissions return `PermissionStatus.permanentlyDenied` when requesting multiple permissions at once, but the device settings show those permissions as enabled (and...

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app. The issue persists on iOS 17. I am requesting multiple permissions at once: `Map statuses = await [Permission.camera, Permission.location, Permission.microphone, Permission.storage,].request();` In this...

I have tried older versions of the package back to `10.4.5`, and tried requesting permissions one at a time, starting with the camera. I've uninstalled/reinstalled and no matter what I...

I am also experiencing this on a physical device, iOS 17.4.1. Latest version `1.0.5`.

I can confirm same issue on a real device, and when `path` is provided to the `record` function. https://github.com/SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/audio_waveforms/issues/288

@g-apparence Any update? This seems to happen on most Android cameras and makes it unusable.