
Results 47 comments of jt274

@paulomarg I understand about the cookies, just not sure how the sessions all worked. Makes sense. So using the `CustomSessionStorage` and Redis example, you don't have to pass anything to...

@paulomarg I am slowly getting somewhere. I've stored the session data to my database of choice, and am able to load it back. But when I do I get an...

I was finally able to store and load a session during the auth with some messy code in the `loadCallback`: ``` var newSession = new Session(session.id) newSession.shop = session.shop; newSession.state...

@ilugobayo Can't find it now, but docs somewhere mentioned using online tokens for apps in the user facing admin, and offline were for a database backend that makes requests without...

@ilugobayo I am not sure if this helps, but my app has the merchant interacting with it, as well as back-end things that happen with webhooks. I am using the...

@ilugobayo I suppose that could happen? I have it update the `accessToken` whenever the app is loaded. I will try to look into how long the `accessToken` persists and when...

@ilugobayo Have not worked on the scope changes yet, that also seems new. Still some smaller things like that to get done. I think mine was doing something similar, but...

@paulomarg I think this issue is mostly resolved, but one more question. Is the online/offline token you're referring to the `accessToken` parameter of the session object, and is its expire...

@ilugobayo I am not sure. It appears the `onlineAccessInfo expires_in` is 24 hours, but I think that is the session. Then there is the `expires` parameter, which seems to be...

Think I've got my answer: https://shopify.dev/concepts/about-apis/authentication#api-access-modes