Adding a "plus-one" on this request.
I just finished a module to identify entropy outliers and put it in the webroot_analysis branch.
Merged the webroot_analysis branch with master to: - Create Analsys/Disk folder - Add Analysis/Disk/Get-WebrootListingEntropyOutliers.ps1 Commit: a785047
This does not produce an equivalent output. ``` powershell PS > (gwmi Win32_Product).Count 320 PS > (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*).Count 124 ```
Can you try changing the conditional in Get-FileHashes.ps1 on line 232 from `-gt 2.0` to `-gt 8.0` or some other value that will never be true? I think this is...
Thanks. I'll dive into it some more.
Picking this up as my next contribution.
Starting to build the skeleton at z4ns4tsu/Kansa in the browser_cache branch. This is going to be slow going for a bit.