James Sumners
James Sumners
Without more information I cannot attempt to help. Redacted trace logs would be very useful.
It sounds like you are missing a `client.on('error', handler)`. I do believe this could be better described in the documentation. A PR would be very welcome.
You have linked to code on the `master` branch. Are you seeing this issue on the `next` branch?
`socket.end()` is used so that the communication can complete.
Very likely. It would take some research into how the socket is being leaked so that it can be reaped correctly.
Fork repo created -- https://github.com/ldapjs/asn1
Why would you expect an HTTP proxy to support LDAP?
I'm not sure this should be the responsibility of `ldapjs`. It is far outside of the LDAP standard. At best, it sounds like you would want to hand a socket...
Would you like to submit a pull request to add this feature? Please remember to add unit tests.
https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/LDAP%20Signing via https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ldap+signing